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  3. TD-002 (Reduction of Solder Crack/Low Elastic Modulus Material)


Reduction of Solder Crack/Low Elastic Modulus Material

Product form


Prepreg TD-002


  • Electronic equipment for automobiles.
  • Engine room set board.
  • PCB on component packagings.


  • Applied to PWB surface of standard material to absorb soldering stress and inhibit solder crack.
  • Elastic modulus is 1/4 of that of standard FR-4.
  • Enables to reduce solder crack without using high functional material by combining TD-002 with standard material.


Connection reliability of Pb-free solder [Thermal condition: -40℃ (30min.)⇔125℃ (30min.)]

Solder crack of TD-002+FR-4 (Cross section, after 3000cycles.)



Elastic modulus

Elastic modulus

Mechanical drilling processing [After 3000 hits]

Appearance after drilling

Conditions of mechanical drilling


  • Stack-up: 3 panels
  • Revolution: 120 krpm
  • Drill bit: φ 0.3 mm
  • E/B: Al t0.15mm
  • Feeding speed: 2.4m/min.


(3313N58, t0.4mm, t0.1mm)


Item Condition ※3 Unit Actual Value Reference
Tg TMA method A 155–170 2.4.24
CTE ※1 X (30–120℃) A ppm/℃ 6–9
Y (30–120℃) 6–9
Z <Tg A 80–130 2.4.24
>Tg A 200–300
Solder Heat Resistance (260℃) A sec. >300
T-260 (Without Copper) A min. >50
T-288 (Without Copper) A >5
Decomposition Temperature (TGA method 5% Weight Loss) A 345–360 2.3.40
Copper Peel Strength 18 µm A kN/m 0.8–0.9 2.4.8
35 µm A 0.9–1.1
Flexural Modulus (Lengthwise) A GPa 5–8 2.4.4
Elastic Modulus (Lengthwise) Tensile A GPa 7–10
Dielectric Constant 1GHz ※2 A 3.6–3.8 IEC-62810
Dissipation Factor 1GHz ※2 A 0.011–0.013
Volume Resistivity C-96/40/90 Ω・cm 1×1014–1×1016 2.5.17
Surface Resistance C-96/40/90 Ω 1×1013–1×1015
Insulation Resistance A Ω 1×1014–1×1016
D-2/100 1×1012–1×1014

※1  Heating Rate: 10℃/min.
※2  Measured by cavity resonator.
※3  Refer to“Condition Note”
※    Above data are experimental results and not guaranteed.

Standard Specifications



Part Number Type Glass Cloth Properties
Style Resin Content
Dielectric Thickness
after Lamination ※1 (mm)
TD-002 0.06 (1037N77) 1037 77±2 0.069
0.08 (1078N66) 1078 66±2 0.088
0.10 (3313N58) 3313 58±2 0.115
0.20 (1501N54) 1501 54±2 0.208
Reference (IPC-TM-650) 2.3.16

※1  The dielectric thickness after lamination is defined as the thickness of one sheet of prepreg when the resin flow is 0%. This value changes depending on the press condition or inner layer pattern.

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