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CMP Slurry <GPX> HS Series

About the product

GPX is a polishing slurry for CMP(Chemical Mechanical Planarization). GPX achieves excellent polishing performance, is applicable to finer patterns and suitable for the fabrication of semiconductor devices.
This unique slurry series is also available for various applications except semiconductor devices.

Series Line-up & Features

Polishing Application
Features of each series
HS-8005 SiO2/glass CeO2 slurry for semiconductor STI process, polishing SiO2 and glass. High removal rate for SiO2.
HS-C, H Cu Slurry for polishing semiconductor Cu line, achieving high removal rate of Cu.
HS-T Ta/TaN/Ti Slurry for polishing semiconductor Cu barrier metals. Alternative of Selective/Non-selective polishing.
HS-A Al Slurry for polishing aluminum.
HS-P Si Slurry for polishing Si, p-Si. Selective polishing for Si and p-Si.
HS-S Si Slurry for polishing Si and back side of TSV substrate. Non-selective polishing for Si/SiO2/Cu
HS-J others Slurry for polishing other metals and materials. Applicable to epoxy polymer, aluminum(sapphire) polishing.

HS-8005 Series (for SiO2, Glass)

Advanced semiconductor devices with high performance are required to have multi-level layers and fine patterns to obtain high speed transmission. HS-8005 series containing abrasive particles of CeO2 are available for planarization of STI and ILD. GP additives work to improve the performance of planarity and others.


  • High removal rate for SiO2
  • Free from scratches by using tuned CeO2 particles.
  • High removal rate at low slurry content (CeO2:1%).
  • High planarization and selectivity between SiO2 and Si3N4.
  • Elimination of conventional etch back process

Product series Removal rate* (nm/min)
SiO2 SiN Poly-Si
HS-8005 300 10

HS-C, T, A Series (for Cu, Ta, Al Metals)


Product series Features / Applications
HS-C, HS-H For Cu polishing. Removal rate from 1000-5000nm/min
HS-T For Cu barrier metal and SiO2 polishing. Alternative of high selective/non-selective polishing slurry.
HS-A For aluminum polishing.

Removal Rate

Product series Removal rate* (nm/min)
Cu Ta/TaN SiO2 SiOC Al
HS-C High removal rate 5,000 60 10
HS-H Standard 1,000 <1 <1
HS-T High selective 40 80 5 5
Non selective 40 90 90 40
HS-A 100 200

HS-P, S Series (for Si )


Product series Features / Applications
HS-P For Si and p-Si polishing. Two component type mixing with P100 series and P200 series. High selective polishing of SiO2/Si/p-Si.
HS-S For TSV back side polishing. Two component type mixing with S100 series and S200 series. Non-selective polishing of Si/SiO2/Cu.

Removal Rate

Product series Removal rate* (nm/min)
p-Si Si SiO2 Cu
HS-P100/P200 Si/SiO2, High selective 300-600 700-1,500 0.1-15 200
HS-S100/S200 Si/SiO2/Cu, Non selective 400 1,200 400 1,000
SiO2/Cu, Non selective 50 100 700 600

HS-J Series (for Other Metals and Materials)


  • Applicable for polishing of Epoxy polymer, aluminum layer and etc.
  • Applicable for polishing of Cu, permalloy and etc.

Removal Rate

Product series Removal rate* (nm/min)
(epoxy, etc.)
Al2O3 Permalloy Cu
HS-J700-1 500 800-1,000 200 100

※ The removal rate is typical value and adjustable by polishing condition and slurry mixture ratio.

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