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RY Series for PKG Board

Photosensitive Dry Film “PHOTEC”

About the product

RY series are aqueous type photosensitive films used for high density semiconductor package. RY-5100UT series and RY-5800 series have excellent adhesion and resolution and less resist foot and the other advantage.


  • These films are suitable for semi-additive process with high adhesion, high resolution and stable line width.
  • Shorter resist foot can contribute to finer pattern manufacturing. Excellent resist profile (smooth resist side wall) results in smooth plating line profile.

(In house evaluation data)

Items Units RY-5107UT RY-5110UT RY-5125
Resist thickness µm 7 10 25
Minimum developing time Sec. 7 10 23
Exposure energy mJ/cm2 200 200 120
Adhesion (L/S=x/3x) µm ≦3 4 6
Resolution (L/S=x/x) µm ≦4 4 6

Projector machine; i-line projector
Developing conditions; 1.0 wt% Na2CO3aq, 30 ℃, Minimum developing time×2

(L/S= 4 μm / 4 μm)
Substrate surface roughness
Ra:100 nm

(L/S= 2 μm / 2 μm)
Substrate surface roughness
Ra:10 nm

(L/S= 6 μm / 6 μm)
Substrate surface roughness
Ra: 100 nm

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