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High-performance imide-based heat-resistant resin (HPC Series)

About the product

Poly Amide Imide (PAI) is a resin component having imide combination and amide bond in molecule.PAI has high heat resistance (Tg>270℃、heat decomposition starting temperature>400℃) and coating hardness. It also can form the film having high isolation and solvent resistant.

HPC series is PAI solution with high function from Resonac.

Product lineup

Grade Solid content (%) Viscosity (Pa・s) Solvent Feature
HPC-5012 30~34 3~6 NMP = 100 Basic grade
HPC-1000 28 3 NMP/ion water = 52/48 Water borne product
HPC-6600 30~33 3~6 New Solvent NMP Free product
HPC-2200 27~30 2~4 New Solvent
Water borne product

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