Resonac Europe

HM Series for Thick Resist Layer

Photosensitive Dry Film “PHOTEC”

About the product

HM series are photosensitive films to form a thick resist layer with higher aspect ratio.
They are used for electro-forming such as metal mask.


  • Excellent resolution and adhesion make it possible to form a resist with higher aspect ratio.
  • Thickness lineup according to the application (thickness; 35~200 µm, available upon request)
  • Smooth sidewall of plating line due to the smooth resist profile.

(In house evaluation data)


Items Units HM-4000series
(For Contact Exposure)
HM-4056 HM-4075
Thickness of resist µm 56 75
Exposure energy mJ/cm2 85 130
Extra high pressure mercury lamp*1
Adhesion(L/S=x/400) µm 22 35
Resolution(L/S=x/x) µm 25 35

※1 Collimated light type

Resist thickness:56 µm
Φ=30 µm

Resist thickness:112 µm
L/S=180 µm/30 µm

Resist thickness:112 µm
Resist diameter:Φ=30 µm (Space:40 µm)

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